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作者:admin  来源:互联网  更新时间:2019-08-05 11:42

  1912年4月袁世凯出任大总统。北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规格不一,流通混乱,折算繁琐,民众积怨,同时也想借助货币改制以解决军费问题,便决定铸发国币。袁世凯为了提高自己的统治地位,趁机把他的头像铸于币面,“袁大头”由此而来. “袁大头”首次的铸造时间是民国三年,而且该币被定为中华民国国币,因此,它在我国的钱币史上具有非常重要的地位。Yuan Shikai became president in April 1912. In view of the complexity of coins and bank notes at that time, the circulation of more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currencies, different specifications, chaotic circulation, complicated conversion, and people's accumulated resentment, the Beiyang government also decided to make use of currency restructuring to solve the problem of military expenditure, and decided to issue the national currency. Yuan Shikai took the opportunity to cast his head on the coin surface in order to improve his ruling status, from which came "Yuan Datou". The first time "Yuan Datou" was cast was in the three years of the Republic of China, and the coin was designated as the national currency of the Republic of China. Therefore, it has a very important position in the coin history of our country.


  中华民国所铸袁世凯像背嘉禾壹圆银币,俗称“袁大头”,在正式开铸银币前,同样有用铜冲压试机这一过程,其试机结果称为试机样币。“初始试铸币”—是指任何一款机制币,一切铸币工作已臻妥善,奉批开始铸币“后”所产出。“初始试铸币”产出后,经过检视,发现缺点,微调、改正、修图,再重新铸造,达可呈上御览核批的阶段,该批币就称为“试铸样币”。之后,还有报审“呈报样币”阶段,就是逐一向上报审批通过,之后批量生产流通的银币。而铜试机样币,非正铸品,多在冲压出来后销毁之,但是小有一些遗存下来,然其却是收藏的珍贵品种。试铸币存世量极少,流传到民间的更少。Yuan Shikai, who was cast by the Republic of China, was like a silver coin with a back of Jiahe, commonly known as "Yuan Datou". Before the silver coin was officially cast, the process of copper stamping test machine was also used. The test result was called the test machine sample coin. "Initial coinage test"-refers to any kind of machine-made coin, all coinage work has been completed properly, and coinage is produced "after being approved". After the "initial trial coins" are produced, after examination, the defects are found, fine-tuned, corrected, the drawings are revised, and then recast, reaching the stage where they can be submitted for examination and approval. this batch of coins is called the "trial coins". After that, there is also the stage of submitting sample coins for approval, that is, submitting them one by one for approval before mass production of silver coins in circulation. The copper test machine sample coins, which are not normal castings, are mostly destroyed after being punched out. However, there are still some remains, but they are precious collections. The amount of trial coins in the world is very small, and even less is spread to the people.


  此枚为中华民国三年嘉禾壹圆铜币,重量20.6g,直径39mm,为民国时期中央造币厂嘉禾图样品币一枚,黄铜质,币面清秀硬朗,铭文字体雕刻清晰,正面图案是袁世凯的侧面像,在头像的上方是“中华民国三年”,背面的图案是中间汉字“壹圆”周围环嘉禾纹饰,钱币铜质精良,形制规整,十分精致美观,局部略有磨损,试铸币,无流通于市场使用,因为第一次铸造,用银改为铜,铜水冷却后由机器铸压而成,所以试铸币是当世的完成品样品,是后续铸银币的对照品,此币色泽光鲜,品相优异,包浆自然,纹饰深浅适度,具有极高的艺术鉴赏和收藏价值。This is a Jiahe one round copper coin of the three years of the Republic of China, weighing 20.6g and 39mm in diameter. it is a sample coin of Jiahe figure of the central mint of the Republic of China. it is made of yellow copper with a delicate and hard surface. the inscription is clearly engraved. the front pattern is a side image of yuan Shikai. the top of the head is "the three years of the Republic of China". the back pattern is the central Chinese character "one circle" with a Jiahe decoration around it. the coin is of excellent copper, regular in shape, very delicate and beautiful, with slight wear in some parts. The trial coins are not in circulation in the market, because the silver was changed into copper for the first time, and the copper was cast and pressed by a machine after being cooled down. Therefore, the trial coins are the samples of finished products of the present era and the reference materials for the subsequent silver coins. The coins are bright in color, excellent in quality, natural in coating paste, moderate in decoration depth, and have extremely high artistic appreciation and collection value.




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